Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Clements, Andrew. (2014). The map trap. New York: Atheneum/Simon & Schuster.

[Alton is a fiend for maps, finding a way to turn the personalities of those around him into maps.  After his maps - some of which may be embarrassing to some of his subjects, like his first-year teacher whom he got into trouble - go missing, Alton has to follow the demands of a ransomer to get them back.  Not one of my favorites in the Clements cannon, but those who are already into his slimmer (this one is just 144 quick pages) school stories should enjoy this one.  Never mentioned in the text, I'm still wondering if Clements intended for the character of Alton to lie somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum, what with his obsession with maps and general inability to relate to his peers.]

Dashner, James. (2009). The maze runner. New York: Delacorte/Random House.

[Rereading before seeing the movie.  This was my FAVORITE book of 2009, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it translates onto the big screen.  The book itself is so cinematic already, that it seems like the transition should be a pretty smooth one.]


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