Monday, February 1, 2016

Cushman, Karen. (2015). Grayling's Song. New York: Clarion/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

[After fire consumes their home, Grayling’s mother discovers that her grimoire has been stolen, and when the wise woman becomes magically rooted to the ground it becomes necessary for Grayling to go look for help.  Reluctant to set out on her quest because she feels she hasn’t the courage or the know-how, Grayling is eventually joined by a shape-shifting mouse (who can now do so after getting into Grayling’s herbs and potions), and a rag-tag assortment of (mostly female) purveyors of magic whom Grayling summons by singing a gathering song.  Cushman’s first foray into fantasy is set in a medieval time, with lyrical descriptions that paint a vivid picture of Grayling’s magical world.  The journey IS the story here, with Grayling finding her voice and becoming a reluctant hero along the way.  Though slightly plodding at times, which may be a symptom of there not being much of a sense of how much time is passing in the story, there’s plenty of well-placed comic relief to bring levity.  This strong story of female empowerment should have wide appeal, especially for those who like historical tales with some magical elements.   Review based on ARC.]

Aston, Martin. (2013). Facing the Other Way: the Story of 4AD.  London: The Friday Project/HarperCollins UK.



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