Sobol, Donald J. (1963). Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective. New York: T. Nelson.
Sobol, Donald J. (1966). Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues. New York: Elsevier/Nelson.
[These little novels are like candy. I was inspired to read a couple books in this classic series because SFPL's Summer Reading program this summer is detective themed. The Encyclopedia Brown books, for those who don't remember, contain a number of short mysteries with the answers to each at the back of the book. Fun stuff - interactive in a way - and sure to keep a kid's attention. Dated, certainly - a couple of the mysteries I couldn't solve because they were SO dated with details that are no longer relevant - but equally timeless.]
{On a side note: I'm kind of anal retentive when it comes to presenting the covers of the books that I've read. I mean, I want to post the EXACT cover. Unfortunately, that meant posting the cover for "Boy Detective" that you see here. Ick - clearly a reprinted edition meant to draw in current youngsters. The one for "Finds the Clues" is the CLOSEST that I could find to the one that I got from the library. It was definitely the same, classic drawing but without the color. Not only until I got to the story in the book that is depicted on the cover did I realize that it's a dog with TWO VERY SHARP KNIVES strapped to its head. YIKES.}
King, Stephen. (1987, 2003). The drawing of the three: The dark tower II. New York: Plume.
[I, for some reason, read Part I a couple of years back - or maybe last summer - and thought that I should read one every now and then so that I don't completely lose my way between each book.]
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