Beddor, Frank. (2006). The looking glass wars. New York : Dial Books.[Alyss is a young princess and heir to the throne of Wonderland until her evil Aunt Redd stages a coup, kills Alyss's parents, and takes control herself. Alyss and Hatter Madigan, desperate to escape, jump into the Pool of Tears and Alyss ends up London where she is put into an orphanage. For the next 13 years, Alyss is adopted and lives with a family who are friends with a writer that takes an interest in the "stories" that Alyss tells about her former life in Wonderland. Eventually, Hatter Madigan finds Alyss and takes her back to Wonderland so that she can wrest back control from Redd and become the rightful Queen of Wonderland. Part sci-fi, part fantasy, part historical fiction, this alternate take on the Alice in Wonderland story was a welcome surprise. Initially, I thought, "What is going on here? This is really kind of stupid", but then got pretty wrapped up in the story. Recommended.]
Owen, James A. (2006). The chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: Here, there be dragons. New York : Simon & Schuster.[Been on my radar for quite some time...]