O'Brien, Robert C. (1971). Mrs. Frisby and the rats of Nimh. New York: Aladdin/Simon & Schuster.
[Wow, I REALLY liked this one. Widowed Mrs. Frisby the mouse has to find a way to move her family as the farm that she's living on is about to be tilled up for planting. She enlists the help of a bunch of rats who live underneath a rose bush - rats who have escaped from a laboratory, NIMH. In the lab, the rats were subjected to shots that have not only made them much smarter, but have also kept them young. Not really at all what I thought the book was going to be about - but I'm going off my memories of the animated film from the '80s which seemed to have a "mystical" element to it.]
Jacques, Brian. (2002). Triss. New York: Philomel/Penguin Putnam.
[From one talking animal book to another. This is the 15th "mousey-tales" book by Jacques. I've read the first 13 (believe it or not) and started the 14th when we were in Mexico. I never got to finish it and decided to move on and come back to it some other time. Luckily, these Redwall tales aren't sequentially bound.]