Newman, Leslea. (2007). Skunk's Spring surprise. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, Inc.
[I got this one because of the illustrations by Valeri Gorbachev, whom I just can't get enough of. The story itself is so-so, with skunk waking up after a long winter and going to get a drink at the lake, where his friends have staged a variety show for him. I've never really been a big fan of rhyming stories - they just generally come off as forced to me - but it's a cute little tale. As mentioned, though, the real joy in this story is in the illustrations - bright and fun. And, who knew that skunks hibernate?*]
*[Well, it appears as though the Striped Skunk - the one that we all know and love here in North America - does NOT hibernate...]

Maass, Robert. (1994). When Spring comes. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
[A photo-essay on Spring with some great images of things that mark Spring. Lots of diversity in the people shown, but it's all shot in the 'burbs. Couldn't there have been a couple shots of Spring in the city? Since moving here I've wondered if kids out here actually understand the passing of the seasons because, really, they aren't quite so obvious when the weather is the same year round. At any rate, this one is a winner because of the photos - any themed storytime on something relating to science NEEDS to have at least one book with photos.]

Carr, Jan. (2001). Splish, splash, Spring. New York: Holiday House.
[I found this one a little too "cutesy" for my taste. The illustrations are cut paper - kinda cool - and the text is rhymey with a bunch of made-up words. Might still use it in a storytime/lapsit if nothing else grabs my fancy...]
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