Hicks, Clifford B. (1963). Alvin's secret code. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
[A fun little classic. Alvin, his pestering sister, and his best friend find a cryptic note in the gutter one afternoon. Naturally, they believe it to be some secret spy note and set forth to break the note's code. Along with the assistance of an old invalid in the neighborhood who is somewhat of an expert on codes, the trio learn about different kinds of secret codes including how some retail establishments code their wares. The main narrative here involves the trio helping a woman to find a lost "treasure" from slave days which the woman hopes will help her fund her ailing orphanage. FUN, informative, and interactive. PLUS, there is a whole series of tales of Alvin and his gang to entertain and amuse! Encyclopedia Brown, watch out...]
L'Engle, Madeleine. (1962). A wrinkle in time. New York: Dell/Yearling.
[I've NEVER read this one before... I KNOW!! I'm actually reading it in preparation for reading "When You Reach Me".]
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