Friday, September 1, 2017

Cole, Henry. (2017). Bayberry Island [Brambleheart #2]. New York: Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins.

[Chipmunk Twig and two friends travel on a boat liberated from a bottle to deliver a baby dragon to its home, wherever that may be.  Eventually becoming shipwrecked on an island where there are other baby dragons, the trio are soon joined on the island by the nefarious Professor Burdock who followed the friends so that he could take all of the dragon babies back home and put them to work in a foundry.  Plus, there may be a traitor in their midst.  The early chapter book reader-friendly design has at least one of Cole’s own soft, pencil-drawn spot art illustrations on the majority of spreads, and the visually descriptive text is ideal for those who want an adventure led by animals, but who might not yet be ready for Avi’s Poppy series (HarperCollins, 1999), or Brian Jacques’ Redwall tales (1987, Philomel).  While it’s not completely necessary to have read the previous book, the task of Twig and friends won’t carry as much weight, though, it should be noted that some details about Book 1 are recalled at the end of this second volume, retroactively cluing in those who may have missed the first book in the series.]

Pérez, Celia C. (2017). The First Rule of Punk. New York: Viking/Penguin Random House.



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