Baccalario, Pierdomenico. (2007). Ulysses Moore: The house of mirrors. New York: Scholastic.
[There's just something about these books (this is the 3rd in the series) that is compelling to me. Can't really articulate it, though. The amazing thing is that this books is 244 pages and it took me NO TIME AT ALL to read. And, honestly, I'd have a hard time telling you exactly what happened in it because, well, not a whole lot happened. It all took place in a day, and the 3 kids (it's ALWAYS three kids - 2 boys and a girl) ran around town trying to figure out who this mysterious clockmaker guy was and what the deal is with all the doors and keys in Kilmore Cove - a place that they are finding out wants to be kept hidden from the world. The book is called The House of Mirrors but the house was in one chapter and in that chapter it got demolished. Of course, the sequel is coming and I will read it because these things are like candy - just quick and satisfying even though, like I said, nothing really happens in them.]
Babbitt, Natalie. (1975). Tuck everlasting. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
[Classic that I've always wanted to read - and have known that I should read.]
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