Anderson, Lena. (2000). Tea for ten. Stockholm, Sweden: R&S Books.
[A rhyming tale about a hedgehog having a tea party and the friends who show up, one by one, to join her. Seems like it would work well for a storytime - the left hand side of each spread has the text in a LARGE font with the illustrations filling up the right side.]

Bajaj, Varsha. (2004). How many kisses do you want tonight? New York: Little, Brown and Company.
[A number of different animals/insects is presented, each asking their young one how many kisses they would like before going to sleep. The illustrations are fantastic - big and bold - and the rhyming text works well. The last two spreads are a father putting his daughter to sleep ("I want a HUNDRED") and a mother doing the same with her son ("I want a MILLION"), with the very last page containing the words, "How many kisses do YOU want tonight?"]

Reynolds, Peter H. (2006). So few of me. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
[Leo realizes that he's got so many items on his To Do list that he could use many more of him in order to get it all done. In the end he realizes that he'd be better off just doing less but doing his best. Sweet.]
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